How It Works

One of the best parts about 100+ Women Who Care is the ease with which it all happens. One meeting, for one hour, just four times a year. No tickets. No auction items. No raffle. Simply arrive with your smartphone or cheque book and leave with a smile. It doesn’t get much easier than that! Here is how it works:

Sign up to become a member

Nominate a charity

Put our meeting date in your calendar. We gather at 6:00 p.m. for a social hour, and then our meetings start promptly at 7:00 and end by 8:00 pm. 

At the meeting, nominated and vetted charity cards from members who attend the meeting are placed in a jar. Three nomination cards are randomly drawn. Each member who nominated a charity that is drawn presents for a maximum of 5 minutes. Don’t like to speak in public? That’s okay, see our Nominating Guidelines about nominating someone to speak on your behalf.

The members then fill out their ballot form and drop it into a bucket, we count the ballots, and announce the winning charity! You then make your $100 donation via etransfer to 100+ Women Who Care Victoria (if you haven't already) or write a cheque made out to the winning charity.

It's just that simple and makes an IMMEDIATE positive impact in our community.

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