Covering Our Expenses



Coffee, tea, and sweets for the meetings

 100+ Women Who Care Victoria exists in name only, and we are an organization run entirely by volunteers. There are no office cubicles, board of directors, or fundraising costs that can diminish the power of your donations.

We always appreciate corporate or independent donations to help cover administration costs.

Please reach out to if you are interested in helping us with sponsorship.


Special thanks to the following current sponsors for their support:

Uplands Golf Club for providing us with a beautiful meeting space

Hendry Swinton McKenzie Insurance for covering many of our administrative costs

DFH Real Estate for providing our 

Crocker Web Design for designing and hosting our website

JSF Technologies for covering our many meeting prep and organizational expenses

Cheryl Nelson Real Estate for providing gratitude gifts for our two runner-up nominees and for a member chosen at random each meeting


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